I hiked Marsh Trail, a 0.65-mile winding boardwalk that meanders along a marsh filled with dwarf willows, goldenrods, cattail and water cress. I was lucky enough to spy a Northern Flicker pecking on a tree. The woodpecker can be identified by its brown, barred back; spotted chest and black crescent bib.
Marsh Trail leads to Desert Willow Trail, a 0.75-mile route lined with evergreen yerba santa and wild tarragon. There, I came across a Western Scrub-Jay. The jay was not the least bit shy and followed me for quite a distance singing the whole time. I was able to snap some great photographs.
Bird watchers can also meander along Yucca Ridge Trail(0.72 miles), which provides views of Morongo Valley, San Gorgonio and San Jacinto mountain peaks; West Canyon Trail, (0.84 miles) which gives panoramic views of Morongo Canyon, Mesquite Trail (0.51 miles), where they can observe an ancient gneiss marking the face of the Morongo Valley Fault; or Canyon Trail, (8.34-mile roundtrip) where they can hike along the canyon floor next to a willow-lined stream.
At the kiosk near the front entrance, hikers can pick up a checklist of birds commonly found in the preserve. Open from 7:30 a.m. to sunset, the perserve is free of charge. Location: 11055 East Dr Morongo Valley, CA 92256. For more information, visit Big Morongo.